Saturday, September 12, 2009

Art in the Park

Art in the Park - sun, fun, artsy people, and over 100 exhibitors including two 6+1 members. Below is Shirley McFarlane. Under her blue canopy Shirley featured her paintings and pottery. Shirley barely had time to pose for this photo - a customer was waiting to purchase a piece of pottery. Way to go Shirley!

Below we see Josee VanDeguchte. Josee is a multi faceted artist. At this show Josee featured her book, baskets, pottery, and paintings including her self-portrait.

Featured in the main gallery at Gallery in the Grove is Mondy Stevenson, a Toronto artist. Mondy's work is creative with a unique style. To visit Mondy's web site ......

I had to remind myself that in my home there is no available wall space for further artwork. Walking away from a print by artist Charles Sucsan was difficult. I fell in love with the colours and the design. Charles was born in Paris, France and studied in Paris and Budapest. He now lives in Montreal.

Another successful Art in the Park draws to a close.

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