Sunday, January 3, 2010

Greetings from Florida

Hello  and a Happy New Year.  I made it safely to Florida thanks to my GPS.  While we've had a couple of days at 24C today it's 11C - too cool!!!

I've quickly gotten into the art scene here.  Attended an art show in Naples yesterday and tomorrow I'm starting art lessons in Ft. Myers.  Today I went to the Art League here and there was a demo by Robert Burridge a California artist.  Both Sue Galos and Regina have attended his workshop.  The week long workshop was sold out with a waiting list.  I enjoyed meeting him if only for the demo and if you want to check out his web site just Google his name.  What a guy! I purchased two of his DVDs.

I enjoy checking into the group's web site to see what's new.  I'll post photos later if I catch anything interesting.

Happy Painting

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