Friday, June 26, 2009

Northern Alberta with Jack

Jack teaching art at grandson's grade three class. he is the one holding up his paper,in front of bulletin boardThe School is in Whitecourt Alberta

Here Jack is being intoduced by grandson Tyler,in his grade 4 class

Here we are on Lesser Slave Lake,at Fault Alberta This is a Walleye of 20 " in length.You were allowed to keep only one fish over 17". the rest had to be released,and since we used barbless hooks it was easy , My tally for 3 days was 198.We had 14 family members in our group ,and we ate 45 fish in the three days,fried baked & deep fried. On Sat., night there was a huge steak fry,all you could eat at 4:30 pm, followed by a huge fish fry Sunday at 8:30 pm.a breakfast buffet the next morning all for $ 35.00. We were stuffed never had to eat untill late Sunday

This is at one am., in the land of midnight sun, by 4 am the sun was up at about the 10 am., position here. We only had rain just out side of Whitecourt on the way home ,the average temp up there was 23in the day and 11 at night. After the fishing and Art class we spent a day with Tylers class at Fort Edmonton in Edmonton. then left for home at 5:oo am the next day, tired but very happy.

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Jack! It must have been quite a thrill to be teaching art in your grandson's class. I suspect we'll now see a series of fish paintings.
