Saturday, July 11, 2009


Keeping my brush in the 6+1 painter’s pot
and brushing up on the art of painting, here at St Lawrence College, Brockville Campus. (They have a Summer Arts School and a full time arts course as well. Paint me Green!)
I have been able to take two full weeks of instruction this summer and in each course, I ran the gamut of anticipation, challenge, intensity and exhaustion, finally ‘getting it” some time midweek. Whew! Though both courses were different by description, instruction, and medium, they both emphasized and re-emphasized, design and value.

In the non-objective course, Abstraction in Acrylic, (actually Non-Objective in Acrylic), we began the week by filling 36 boxes with 3-7 shapes, using the whole sheet of watercolour paper. That was followed by value exercises of 36 boxes of 3-7 shapes in 3 values – white, black and grey and then, 36 boxes of 3-7 shapes, applying colour (and value!). From boxes to quarter sheets, to half sheets and finally to the full sheet. Everything, even the boxes, every one's work, was critiqued. The last critique, our 'masterpieces', 3 of each of the 22 participants, ran from 1 pm to 4 pm on the last day! As you know, a great learning tool.
What I also learned: Though one might think these paintings look like a child had painted them, ( maybe a child could), it is not that easy for an adult to do so.
Instructor’s Quote:
- Non-Objective Painting does not have an object, there is no subject, there is no image, ever.

The Revelations from the Renaissance course, (oil painting), included Art History, a visit to the National Art Gallery to see the exhibition, “From Raphael to Carracci The Art of Papal Rome” 1503-1605, Michelangelo, Raphael, Vasari, Caracci; and a live model for a day. It was an emphasis on Space Rules and included Value Sketches. Movement. Telling a Story. Planning. Underpainting.
Layering. And much more.
What I also learned: Renaissance Paintings have underlying mathematics and Layers of Meaning.
Instructor’s Quotes:
-Beware the Visual Artist, they are the only ones who survived the Inquisition.
-Every square inch of the canvas is important
-Art Should ask questions, be open for exploration

Looking forward to the posting of 6+1 Self Portraits!!!


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