Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Inviting Members to Post

Hello 6+1 Members

This blog has been created to replace the Web Log page on our web site. So far, members, Linda, Janeen, and Dolores have agreed to blog. The goal is to encourage more members to particpate and contribute to our group's web presence. This page should prove to be more interesting than the previous Web Log page simply because there will be more authors. Invitations to blog have been sent to Lorna, Janeen, and Linda. This could become your fun place on the internet and an extension of our group time. You may add a comment simply by clicking on the Comment link, type in your comment and choose Anonymous from the ID list, then click on Post a Comment.

Anyone can comment on a posting however in order to post, that is to start a new post, you need to become a team member of this blog. If there are other 6+1 members who would like to join as team members of this blog, please email me and I'll send you the electronic invitation. The invitation will include the steps required for you to set up your sign in and password to become an author.

Happy painting (and blogging)


  1. Testing comment box.

  2. It has now been quite a while since I have looked at the 6+1 Group....looking good. Quite a sophisticated undertaking. Kudos to the web designer.
